The Office of the Prophet - Inspired Writings

Title: Inspired Writings of a Prophet of Jesus Christ
By: Gregory A. Booker
Review Date: January 29, 2014
A Christian Book Review
9.9 out of 10.0 stars

Inspired Writings of a Prophet of Jesus Christ by Gregory A. Booker is just that – a unique collection of Holy Spirit inspired writings, poems and letters based upon scriptural study that is written to the unbelieving and the Church of God.  With boldness and reflection, the author’s purpose in writing this is to “produce faith and joy.”  The author speaks of himself as a prophet, called by God to publish these inspired writings in hopes of exhorting, edifying and encouraging the Saints, in that God is calling for His bride, perfecting those that whosoever will have an ear to hear and a heart to understand.

Prophetic in nature, these writings shed light on the glorious return of Christ, Israel’s role in salvation, giving hope, edification and providing encouragement to the Saints through persecution that gives way to wisdom and hope for a glorious future in Christ to come - An amazing, uplifting read.     

Beginning with the experience of an encounter called, “The Upper Room Visit,” the author shares the experience of a group of writers who sought God with pure hearts.  This is an exciting testimony relating to the upper room visit that the apostles experience in the Book of Acts.  The author continues with his powerful testimony of the heavy Shekinah glory of God that he experienced during an open vision of Jesus on the Cross.  One will be enthralled by the nature of this shared revelation, leading to a desire to experience and understand the power and presence of the Holy One of Israel – God and His Spirit’s power. 

Moving and inspiring, the poems will resonate with feelings, determinations, observances that all mankind has in common.  All of these writings have been published for the perfecting of the Saints and are a proclamation for all, including America, to return to God – Profound, these prophetic utterances are described by the author as four letters to the churches concerning America, the last days and the Return of Christ that will continue to captivate and challenge readers to watch, prepare and return to the ways of Almighty God. 

A highly recommended poignant and stirring prophetic read!   

Get your copy of Inspired Writings of a Prophet of Jesus Christ at Amazon, in Kindle Edition, at Barnes and Noble and at other fine online bookstores.

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